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Title: Pulsation Effects On Gas Measurement
Author: Galen m. Cotton
Source: 1984 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: The existence of pulsation has long been recognized as a source of measurement error however, the mechanics and degree of error are not well understood. Errors resulting from pulsation have been witnessed in a variety of instances both in the laboratory and in the field. These occurances have ranged from inferred flow through capped lines, to large differences in measured thruput between series meters, to common nioderate examples exposed as square toot error. Pulsation effects in orifice meters are not simply the result of the readout system (lead lines, mercury meters, etc.). Though the components of the readout system can contribute error components, the basic error is directly across the orifice plate and is independent of the readout system.

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