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Title: U.S. National Standards For High Pressure Natural Gas Flow Measurement
Author: Aaron N. Johnson, Bill Johansen
Source: 2008 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: NIST plans to establish a calibration service for flow meters used in the custody transfer of high pressure natural gas. These calibrations will provide internationally recognized flow traceability for the U.S. natural gas industry over a flow range from 0.25 m3/s (3.2 104 acfh) to 9 m3/s (1.1 106 acfh) at a nominal pressure of 7500 kPa and at ambient temperatures. Flow meter calibrations will be performed at CEESIs Iowa facility under NISTs metrological control, using working standards that are traceable to NISTs primary flow standards. The measurement uncertainty of these calibrations range from 0.25 % to 0.27 % (with a 95 % confidence level) depending on flow rate. This manuscript documents the five-stage scale-up process used to establish traceability between NISTs low-pressure, air-flow primary standard to flowmeters calibrated at CEESIs Iowa facility in natural gas at up to 54 times the volumetric flow and 10 times the pressure.

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