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Title: Crude Oil Gathering - Gauging Testing and Truck Measurement Alternatives
Author: John W Brackett
Source: 2022 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2022
Abstract: Since ISHM was last held the world has seen tremendous change: we saw an entire planet stand still halting commerce and advancement in order to save lives. The great shuttering of the planet in 2020 and the pandemic that followed proved to us all that, like death and taxes, change is inevitable. While the pandemic is not the catalyst for change in methods for gathering crude by truck, it is the fuel for an already smoldering fire. The world of lease tank measurement must learn to adapt to the rapid changes brought on by the pandemic. The American Petroleum Institute has set forth the standards for the gauging of lease tanks in Chapter 18.1 and section 1A of Chapter 3 in the Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards or MPMS. Additionally, many more standards may apply to lease sites depending on a sites specific variables and requirements. These Standards provide the complete methodology to the operation of lease tanks and the custody transfer process. Lists of applicable standards are found in the addendum of this document.

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