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Title: Electronic Chart Integrators
Author: Bryan Billeaud
Source: 1992 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 1992
Abstract: In the natural gas industry, measurement and calculation of gas volumes have long been accomplished through the use of orifice meter chart records. Machines which make the calculation from these records are a common sight to most companies involved in gas measurement. Electronic equipment, especially, have brought about substantial improvement to measurement and calculations due to their ever increasing speed, accuracy and mathematical abilities. There are many variables and methods used in the volume calculations generated from these chart records. One important consideration is the pressure extension. The pressure extension is derived directly from a chart record. It is computed from two independent curves on the chart which depict the pressure, in psi, found in an orifice meter tube and the differential pressure, in inches of H2O, of the opposite sides of the orifice. In accordance to the Bernoulli theorum, these two curves are considered as continuous records over a specified period of time.

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