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Title: Mems Mass Flow Meters With In Situ Gas Composition Compensation
Author: L.J. Huang Y. Feng K.S. Ling W.T. Wong M.F. Sham
Source: Flomeko 2013
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: Thermal mass flow meters for gas metering with complicated gas composition are often a challenge as it requires the real gas calibration. In many cases, particularly for gases with dangerous or harmful components the calibration is very costly and sometimes even not feasible for re-calibration at field. It is even worse that at the time gas composition varies, the calibration would be erroneous. In this paper, the design, theory and experiments for a MEMS thermal mass flow meter that is capable to dynamically compensate the gas composition variation during measurement are discussed. The meter can also provide in situ measured gas thermal values.

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