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Title: Using Venturi Meters Installed In Vertical Orientation For Wet-Gas Flow Measurement
Author: G. Chinello, E. Graham, m. Reader-Harris, S. Clark, A. Collins
Source: 2019 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: New data has been collected byTV-SDNational Engineering Laboratory (NEL)on the performance of Venturi meters installed in a vertical orientation which shows errors of over four times that from using the current ISO technical reports. This paper presents possible corrections for using Venturis for vertical installations to reduce the error and provide the basis for extending the standards. Venturi tubes are one of the most common types of device used for wet-gas flow measurement as they are a simple, robust and cost-effective flow meter. They also form the main component in the majority of commercial wet-gas and multiphase flow meters. Major oil and gas operators acknowledge that more accurate measurement of wet-gas and multiphase flows can be used to optimise reservoir conditions and increase production, hence there is a drive to improve the accuracy and increase the use of this technology. The presence of the liquid in the gas phase causes an increase in the measured differential pressure and results in the Venturi tube over-reading the actual amount of gas passing through the meter. This over-reading is usually corrected using available correlations derived from experimental data to determine the actual gas mass flowrate.

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