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Title: Improvement An D Measurement O F Velocity Distribution I N A Wind Tunnel
Author: Tolentino-Eslava R., Tolentino-Eslava G., Snchez-Silva F
Source: 2015 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: In this paper the changes made to improve the behavior of the flow in the wind tunnel of the Thermal Engineering and Applied Hydraulics Laboratory (LABINTHAP), like the design and construction of a settling chamber whit five screens and a honeycomb, and a contraction nozzle with an area ratio of 9: 1 are pres ented. The original wind tunnel configuration was a bell mouth follow by a test section and a diffuser, with this arrangement the flow quality was poor as result of an inadequate entrance section, the mean velocity variation was greater than ? 2% in the tes t section at 30 m/s and the turbulence was 4.5%. These conditions were not acceptable for research purpose. To improve the flow behavior the above modifications were made

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