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Title: Effects Of Abnormal Conditions On Accuracy Of Orifice Measurement
Author: Dr. Ray Teyssandier
Source: 1985 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: Orifice meters are the most common flow measurement devices used in the production and transmission of natural gases. Because of their long history of use they have in turn been subject to more research than any other type of meter. Most of this research on orifice meters was conducted during the 1930s and 40s and has at times been lost due to the obscurity of the references. ANSI/API-2530 lists a number of these sources of information and is of course based upon those sets of data, but due to the age and obscurity of the data, mentioned above there are times when serious questions have been raised by people outside the industry. Age of course has no meaning when it comes to questioning data. These questions are raised only for self-serving reasons. Legitimate questions only should be entertained regarding the methodology, accuracy, precision, etc. of the data forming the standard.

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