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Title: Calibration Of Liquid Density Meters
Author: Ronald E. Beaty
Source: 1978 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Volumetric measurement was used almost exclusively in the liquified petroleum gas industry for many years. As ethane production in mixed liquid streams increased inacurruracies were detected in volumetric measurement. When ethane is mixed with heavier hydrocarbons, significant volumetric shrinkage results. Mass measurement utilizing density meters is used to eliminate the problem. Density meters are used in both mass and volumetric measuring stations. Density meters are used to determine the proper volumetric correction factor when traditional volumetric measurement ic used. Density meters arc in dialled in cunjunction with vulumcLiic mcLciu to measure the mass delivered. Mass measurement is most commonly accomplished by simultaneously integrating the outputs of the volumetric and density meters to yield the mass in pounds.

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