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Title: The Slide Rule
Author: E. E. Ambrosius
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: The cakuJatioiis which the average engineer is required to make in ordinary work are numerous. He could hardly be expected to make them if he did not have the necessary calculating device. Inasmuch as he cannot always carry with him a large, bulky calculator he must resort largely to the use of a slide rule. The slide rule has sufficient accuracy for most engineering calculations and as a result it furnishes a means of performing rapid and reasonably accurate calculations. Little time is required to become familiar with its operation, and with httle practice reliable results can he obtained. Slide rules have been constructed for almost any kind o( computation. Special rules have been made for flow calculations, calculation for quality of steam, interest charges, the discharge from meters, and for innumerable other purposes. The two most common slide rules, however, are the ordinary polyphase and the log log duplex. These two rules arc used for straight multiplication, division, and the elevation of numbers to powers. However, it would be safe to say that with these rules one can do a diversified type of work. The solution of trigonometric relations are easily handled. In algebraic

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