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Title: Determination Of Line Losses High Pressure Lines
Author: E. C. Chaney
Source: 1936 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1936
Abstract: Year after year ai this school, and at various other meetiiigs of the gas industry, I have listened to talks and discussions on the subject of High Pressure Line Losses and the ground has been covered thoroughly so many times that I feel as though I have little more to offer on this subject. If, however, you find that the so frequent repetition of this topic is becoming iiionotonous. only beai- in mind that the discussion of the subject could hardly become so monotonous as the persistence with which uicreased line losses continually show themselves with no apparent provocation. In combating line losses it is iiecessary first to know what they are, and for this purpose it is common practice to beep a discrepancy record. In its simplest fonn the discrepancy record consists of a balance between the quantity of gas measured into the system by the purchase meters and the gas measured out of the system by the sales meters.

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