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Title: Well Capacities
Author: E.C. Mcaninch
Source: 1934 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1934
Abstract: The production of natural gas for commercial use been carried on for many years. It has been in the past few years only, however, that the activities of the gas industry have been broadened until gas service is available to localities far removed from the source of supply. In those days when the sale of gas was a matter of local concern, the amount of available gas and reserve supply of gas were of comparative minor importance. At the present time one of the more important problems with which a gas company has to contend is the amount of gas it has accessible with which to meet the demands of its consumers. It is important, then, that all data which deal with this phase of a companys activities be accurate and dependable. If a company meets a situation upon the assumption that is has a sufficient amount of gas with which to meet it, and finds that through misinformation dealing with its well capacities, it falls short in its service requirements, and it has failed signally in its duty to those who have made its existence possible.

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