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Title: Natural Gas Legislation: After A False Start
Author: Tom Corcoran
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: At the beginning of the 97th Congress, those of us involved in the natural gas issue thought we knew what the problems were. We also thought we had the answers. We all learned our lessons from Cathy Abbott and Bob Means and from the experts at A.G.A. and INGA and NCSA and CBO and GAO and on and on. And we debated what the price spike would be-whether the fly up would or would not be significant. We spent lots of time pondering each of a million market disordering problems, and digesting the latest econometric study. Each group had its champions in Congress backed by computer wizards and armed with lobbyists and lawyers galore. And we were ready to go, right? Wrong!

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