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Title: North Sea Measurement Problems
Author: B.G. Grant
Source: 1978 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Many hundreds of years ago the Vikings learned how to cope with voyages across the stretches of the North Sea. The taming of the elements was not without many tragic endings with boats caught up in the storms and never heard from again. Even today the sailor must be very cautious and his ship must be very seaworthy to brave the elements of the North Sea during a winter storm. Seas can run as high as sixty or seventy feet with winds up to lOO miles per hour and the temperature well below freezing. These are the elements the oil and gas men face along with operating over 200 miles from land and with production scattered over distances up to 50 miles between platforms. The problems of overcoming these conditions to obtain flow measurement and control which answers all the criteria of a modern system will be the subject of this paper.

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