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Title: The Generic Way To Establish The True Statement About The Uncertainty Of Facilities For MPFM/WGFM Validation
Author: Dr. Bruno Pinguet,Terri Leonard
Source: 2019 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: Over the years, multiphase and wet gas flowmetering technologies (MPFM/WGFM) have been improving in terms of reliability and compactness. Lately,with a significant cost reduction, they are planned to be deployed on each wellhead over the coming years. Furthermore, some significant improvements to the measurement uncertainties have been achieved. It is not unusual to now see claims within a few percent on gas or liquid or hydrocarbon flowrate measurements.This significant effort,based on understanding the fluid mechanics, sensor technologies, and modelling,should be recognized. An immediate consequence is the need to ensure that the claimed performances are correct, fair and can be checked against very high-quality references (i.e.,low uncertainty). Today with 100million BOPD with a value of 6Bn per day, an error of 0.1% leads to more than 2Bn revenue per year,which can be a gain or loss during the trading among the partners.At this date, the best way to verify multiphase and wet gas metering technologies is by testing at multiphase and wetgas reference facilities,where the standard states that the overall facility uncertainty should be 3 to 4 times better than the MPFM/WGFM (i.e.,within 0.5% to 1%). Establishing the overall facility uncertainty should be straight forward as soon as the procedures to identify the entire chain of errors are well understood and considered and evaluated in a fair manner. In case of doubt, the highest uncertainty value should be systematically considered (most pessimistic case until proper evaluation and proven justification have been made). Additionally, the overall uncertainty of the third-party ones,which are technically independent and impartial,should be publicly available for review to all the stakeholders testing or validating MPFM/WGFM performance for a proper understanding of the challenges,and not hidden as it is today. The purpose of this paper is to show that the process to establishing the overall facility uncertainty should be identical because all these facilities are based on the same principle with a separator, single-phase pumping process through some reference flowmeters, and after mixing them and passing through the MPFM/WGFM, back to the separator. Additionally, the calculation from line to standard conditions should be following the same generic way from reference measurement to multiphase flowmeter conditions and then to standard conditions.

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