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Title: The Importance Of Uncertainty Data From Instrument Drive
Author: Wayne C. Nancarrow
Source: 1999 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: State of the art equipment includes complex devices with very low uncertainties relative to the analog devices of the past. The use of automated test equipment in the calibration field have greatly improved measurement capabilities, uncertainties and reduced labor cost. The certification of many devices may begin to push the old criteria of a test uncertainty ratio (TUR) of 10:1 or 4:1. These ratios assume that a proper worst-case analysis has been accomplished prior to the commencement of the measurement process, with standards and instruments assumed to be in known stable states. Today many of these items are certified using criteria that mandates greater scrutiny and control of all the associated measurement errors in the calibration process. The purpose of this paper is to recommend a framework for calibration software that will allow the proper calculation of measurement uncertainties with respect to a single or series of measurements made from any one instrument under calibration software program control under all possible states of any measurement system.

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