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Title: The Investigation On The Flow Characteristic Of Small Mems Nozzle
Author: Chunhui Li,Bodo Mickan
Source: 2012 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: The experiments of CBPR and discharge coefficient for traditional ISO nozzle and MEMS nozzle were conducted and shown in this paper. From the experimental results, it was clearly that the critical flow could be reached for MEMS, but the CBPR was much smaller than that for traditional nozzle. On the other hand, CBPR was almost fixed for the same nozzle with different Reynolds number. The CBPR for the MEMS with the similar geometric shape increased with the throat diameter increased, and changed with different geometric shape. For the Group B and C with the similar geometry, the discharge coefficient for B direction with longer entrance length was always higher than that for F direction with shorter entrance length. On the base of the experimental results

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