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Title: Improving The Accuracy Of On-Machine Probing By Volumetric Error Compensation
Author: Charles Wang
Source: 2001 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: Manufacturing process control has long been recognized as an important and necessary milestone on the road to reduce cost, improve throughput and superior quality product. On-machine probing is growing widespread application for process improvement. It yields time, quality and productivity improvement. However, the major objection for on-machine probing is that the part is measured on the same machine which made it. Any positioning errors that occurred during machining are very likely to be repeated during inspection. Recently, Optodyne has developed a new laser vector measurement technique for the determination of volumetric positioning errors. The equipment cost is low, the setup and operation is simple. It can be operated by a machine operator and measure the volumetric errors in 2 to 4 hours for a working volume about 1 cubic meter. Using the measured volumetric positioning errors, a lookup correction table can be generated for the on-machine measurement software to compensate the machine positioning errors volumetrically. Therefore, improve the accuracy of on-machine probing and make it a viable process.

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