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Title: New Developments In Design Of Domestic Meters
Author: James Webb
Source: 1956 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1956
Abstract: The subject New Developments in Design of Domestic Meters may be a little premature in the sense that at the present time the Metering Subcommittee of the American Gas Association is in the process of preparing Standard Specifications for the Purchase of Meters, which may bring about an entirely new concept in the assembly of meters. Therefore this subject may be classified as a supplementary progress report of the paper New Approach to Meter Design DMC 54 - 1 A.G.A. There has been considerable thought and development of new ideas and methods of fabricating small capacity meters since that dte. Although the basic operating priciple of the diaphragm type gas meter has not been changed, we do have a more modern method of assembly. With all of the modern methods and equipment which are available today, we should be able to get away from the hand assembled seam.

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