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Title: High Pressure Regulators
Author: George H. Baird
Source: 1929 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1929
Abstract: The subject of regulators is a very broad one, in fact much too broad to be fully covered in the brief space of time alloted to the discussion at this tirne. ThercforCj I will classify regulators in a general way and only attempt to discuss that particular type as used in the gas industry for the control of pressure in pipe lines carrying gas under high pressure. By high pressure, I refer to pressures which are generally encountered in main transportation lines ranging from five or ten pounds to live or six hundred pounds per square inch, and not pressures generally encountered in natural gas low pressure distribution systems, or artificial gas plants. In genera!, whether speaking of regulators for the control of steam, air, gas, water or electricity, they can be divided into two general classes, namely-Regulators for the control of volume, and regulators for the control of pressure, or in the case of electricity, regulators for the control of potential. In this paper, I will speak of regulators for the control of pressure only.

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