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Title: Chromatographic Analysis Of Natural Gas Liquids
Author: Ralph Batten
Source: 1990 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: The first quantification of hydrocarbon vapors began in 1905, with what we call the charcoal methods. A scientist by the name of W. R.imsey, used activated charcoal to separate mixtures of gases and vapors by selective absorption on, or desorption from the charcoal (Ramsey H I ). In 1906, M. Tswett, a Russian botanist, obtained discrete color bands of plant pigments, as they were eluted through a glass tube filled with calcium carbonate (Tswett 316). He coined the name chromatography, which means color writing. This is a misnomer in todas sophisticated analytical chromatography. The basic method using carrier gases, thermal detectors and packed columns, was introduced in 1952, by James and Martin (915).

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