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Title: Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Status And Projections
Author: Angelo Giambusso
Source: American Gas Association 1973
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: There are currently but 29 operable nuclear plants, with a total electrical capacity of less than 15,00 mw, about 4% of the nations total. There are. however, some 160 additional plants either building, contracted for, more than 10 times as great as that of the operable plants. In 1972 alone, 36 nuclear plants were ordered by U.S. utilities. with a total electric capacity exceeding 38.000 mw. The adoption of nuclear power by electric utilities is occurring at a pace much faster than was anticipated but a few years ago, in 1962, responding to a White House request, the AEC prepared a comprehensive Report to the President on Nuclear Power. AEC then estimated that nuclear powers share of total national generating capacity would be 7% in 1980. AECs current estimate of the 1980 percent of total, based on commitments already made by utilities, is 21%, This proportion is forecast to rise to 40% by 1990 and to 57% by the end of the century.

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