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Title: The Cutler-Hammer Recording Calorimeter
Author: G. m. Arnold
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: The first succestful recording Calorimeter, the C-H Thomas Calorimeter, was placed on the market in 1921. The value ::* :hc instrument was quickly recognized by the gas indus- -.- and today it is accepted as a standard for gas heating -.zJit determination. These Calorimeters provide a guide to - economical manufacture of gas, the measure of quality : -end-out gas, the basis for pricing of gas bought and r.:M, and a means for controlling the mixing of gases. The basic principles of the old aluminum type Calorimeter, kive been retained in the new instrument, but with an en- ::r-c!y new construction and arrangernent of parts. As be- :: rr. gas is burned at a constant rate in an enclosed type : and the heat developed by combustion is absorbed 27 a stream of air. Air is used as the heat absorbing meiSczi! in the recording Calorimeter, because it behaves in r same manner as gas as to temperature, pressure, and Tn-dity. The streams of the test gas and of the heat abaiEtiins air, are maintained in fixed proportion to each tSer by water sealed metering devices geared together and ferren by a common electric motor so that the temperature rsE of the air as it passes thru the burner is directly projcrdonal to the healing value of the test gas. The use of air IE 2. heat absorbing medium, and the measurement of the Er 2iid the gas sample under the same conditions of tempETinire, pressure, and humidity, eliminates corrections for c&ise conditions, and permits automatic recording directly 31 B.T.U. per standard cubic foot,

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