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Title: Traceability In Physical Measurements
Author: Joe D. Simmons
Source: 1995 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1995
Abstract: This paper will discuss the progress that has been made over the past two years and developments underway to harmonize the U.S. approach to traceability of physical measurements with those of our major trading partners, Particular emphasis will be focused on the development of worldwide traceability through a network of regional organizations. In North America, two regional organizations, NORAMET and NACC (North American Calibration Cooperation), are being developed with the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NORAMET will coordinate measurements at the national standards level and NACC will coordinate measurements at the accredited laboratory level. The purpose is to develop sufficient mutual confidence in the international traceability of the national standards and in the operation of the national calibration laboratory accreditation systems to sign mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) within the North American region and eventually with other regional organizations such as the WECC (Western European Calibration Cooperation).

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