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Title: The Appropriate Calibration Requirements Of Liquid Custody Transfer Meters - A Low Uncertainty Multi Viscosity Calibration Facility
Author: Terry Cousins J Caldwell D Flournoy J. Reiner
Source: 2016 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: For many years it has been the normal industry pract ice to calibrate meters, for whatever end purpose, on water. The reasons are very clear: Water is a much easier process fluid to produce cali bration facilities resulting in cheaper calibration of meters. Very little thought has been given to the fact that many meters are not linear over their operational range, particularly with regard to Reynolds number, and that water calibrations do not represent the true nature of the meter performance on site. Constructing and operating oil facilities that can re ally simulate the Reynolds number operation on site is expensive, so few are construc ted and the cost of calibration is often high

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