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Title: The Effects Of Flow Conditioning On The Performance Of Multipath Ultrasonic Meters
Author: Gregor J Brown, Bobbie Griffith
Source: 2012 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: Multipath ultrasonic meters have been in development since the 1960s. In early publications and patents, it was noted how multipath meters that employ numerical integration methods could significantly reduce the sensitivity to distortions in the axial velocity profile caused by upstream hydraulic disturbances. Studies of the accuracy of the numerical integration methods have shown that chordal meters with four chords spaced according to the rules of Gaussian integration could typically be expected perform with errors of less than one or two tenths of a percent. One of the most frequently cited advantages of ultrasonic meters is that they are non-intrusive and produce no more pressure loss than a straight piece of pipe. Combined with the lack of moving parts, and the possibility of calibrating an ultrasonic meter on the basis of geometric and timing measurements alone, ultrasonic technology has rightly been viewed as having great potential for custody transfer measurement in the oil and gas industry

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