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Title: Eps Vs. Polymeric Concrete- A Technical And Economic Comparison
Author: R. V. Bellafiore, T. A. Gallagher
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: This paper presents a technical and economic comparison of two candidate systems developed for the insulation of impounding areas. Two materials have emerged as favorable candidates for dike surface insulation: Insulating Polymer Concrete (IPC) and Portland Cement based insulating concretes. The IPC malerials best suiied for dike applications are polyester resin/ perlite or epoxy resin/perlite composites. The most suitable Portland Cement based insulating concrete is a composite of expanded polystyrene beads (EPS) and Portland Cement. This report compares the merits of the candidate materials in an attempt to arrive al a rea.sonable conclusion regarding their suitability as a dike insulation. To do this, a Figure of Merit, F, was defined to rate the malerials.

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