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Title: Use Of Infra-Red Tracer Techniques In Gas Measurement
Author: Joe S. Herring
Source: 1967 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1967
Abstract: Large volume gas flow rates can be measured by directly determining the velocity of the gas with tracer techniques. The velocity of the gas is measured by timing the flight of a tracer between two points in the pipeline. With a known volume of pipe between the two points in the line, the gas flow rate can be calculated by dividing the volume of the pipe by the time it takes the tracer to travel between the two points. For example, if the volume of the pipe between the two points is 10,000 cubic feet and the tracer travel time (flight time) is 10 seconds, then the gas is flowing at a rate of 10,000 cubic feet per ten seconds. The flow rate can then be expressed in other time units- such as million cubic feet per hour or per day.

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