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Title: Microwave Apparatus For Measurement Of Phase Boundaries
Author: W. J. Rogers, F. Fontalba, J. C. Holste, K. R. Hall, P. T. Eubank
Source: 1986 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: This manuscript describes a novel apparatus for the direct measurement of phase boundaries in corrosive fluid mixtures to 1700 bar and 588 K. The apparatus measures changes in a static microwave energy field caused by changes in sample properties. On a phase boundary, shifts in the microwave frequency and power accompany the formation of the second phase. This new method does not involve optical observation of the sample, interpolation of isochores, or composition analyses of samples drawn from the sample cell. Only small sample cell volumes (10 cm ) are required. This microwave technique is effective with all types of fluids, light and heavy, nonpolar and polar, inert and corrosive, and it performs well at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.

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