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Title: Determination Of Leakage And Unaccounted-For-Gas In Distribution Systems
Author: Andrew B. Mccurdy, B. G. Nichols, W. B. Richardson, III
Source: 1968 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1968
Abstract: The determination and control of leakage and un-accounted for gas has always been important, but during these modern times of the profit squeeze, it can conceivably be the difference between an adequate or inadequate profit. Everyone should be fully cognizant of the importance of an adequate profit to each of our companies- our very livelihoods depend on it. Another important reason for controlling the leakage is the safety aspect. Each of us is quite willing to do all possible to alleviate human suffering caused by explosions and fires. We also must not forget the direct monetary losses due to these accidents nor the indirect losses such as increased insurance premiums, stepped-up public relations programs and damage to the industrys image, which all hava a bearing on the profit or loss figure.

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