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Title: Prevention Of Freezing At Measuring And Regulating Stations
Author: Jack Sheets
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: It is the objective of this panel to present an approach to Ihe subject of freezing. The panel members represent a good cross section of those so involved equipment manufacturers, production, transmission and distribution. Each gives inside into his companys approach based on operating practice and years to solid experience. The problem of freezing is one of long standing and will not diminish in the foreseeable future. Technological advances will improve their solution at less cost. With ihe increase of gas sales from our pipelines, it has become necessary to increase our pressures in order to meet customer requirements. The improvement of materials and types of conduction permit us to do this, but in doing so, problems of freezing have been encountered both internally and externally. The difficulties encountered in internal freezing, and methods of prevention will be covered first in this report.

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