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Title: The A.G.A. Transmission Measurement Committee Structure And Current Projects
Author: R. N. Curry
Source: 1978 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: What is the American Gas Associations Transmission Measurement Committee? What does it do? Where do the members come from and how do they go about issuing reports and manuals? A new employee with a gas company becomes almost framedlately aware of A.U.A., particularly if his assignment is associated with gas measurement. Instructional sessions and conversation with more experienced co-workers are frequently interlaced with references to A.G.A. More specifically, such references are to A.G.A. Report No. 3, or A.G.A. Report No. so and so. Then, after a period of time, the new employee becomes a veteran and he too begins using thoqo v.iricm rnforcnrod A C A Lcpuiio and quoting fiuiu them in much the yamu Mduufci as he become?, familiar with their content and utility. And the cycle starts again. in fact, this same person may spend an entire career as mechanic, lawyer, technician, or engineer, utilizing the data contained in those reports but void of any real knowledge as to their source and the processes through which they have been made available to him and the industry he represents.

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