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Title: Vendor Contributions To Fleet Maintenance-Tires
Author: Alex Jankowsky
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: This paper discusses vendor contributions to fleet maintenance, especially in the area of tires. It may sound elementary, but the most important contribution you can expect a vendor to make to the maintenance of your fleet is to provide you with a quality product. A maintenance program that begins with quality is a maintenance program that has started oul on the right foot. In the area of tires, if you start with superior radial construction, if you start with a tire proven reliable for long carcass hfe, youre starting out ahead of the game as far as maintenance is concerned. Today, fleet managers are finding themselves under more pressure than ever to control costs. For most fleets, tires are the second largest maintenance expense -second only to fuel. Unfortunately, tire maintenance also is one of the most neglected areas in many fleet operations. The good news is that proper tire maintenance offers great potential for reducing fleet operating costs -simply because it is an area of major expense that, in most cases, has not received enough emphasis. As I see it, there are two primary parts to a good tire program.

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