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Title: A Practical Approach To Predicting And Monitoring Internal Corrosion In Gas Pipelines
Author: John E. Mincy,
Source: American Gas Association 1985
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: Corrosion has plagued all segments of ihe petroleum industry from the beginning. This holds true for the gas industry as well. Millions of dollars are spent annually to protect pipe and equipment that carries gas from its source to the end user. The majority of this has been spent on external corrosion control. Internal corrosion control has been less understood and often not realized unless a failure occurred. Chemical programs for control of internal corrosion have been available for many years. In many cases, it has been difficult to determine if they were necessary and if that could be ascertained, it was difficult to determine if the chemical program was effective. A new technique is being developed which will give an indication of the corrosivity of a gas and the effectiveness of a corrosion inhibitor program.

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