Measurement Library

PRCI Publications (2021)


PR-015-19606-R01 In-Situ Ultrasonic Gas Meter Flow Verification
Author(s): Adam Hawley,Swanand Bhagwat
This project provided a proof of concept for an in-situ verification method for ultrasonic flow meters in natural gas service. The tested method consisted of simultaneously injecting helium in a minimum of two locations upstream from an ultrasonic flow meter at a known distance apart. The results from this project showed the flow verification method was successful in determining the gas velocity through an ultrasonic flow meter to within 5%. These results indicate that the tested in-situ verification method is not accurate enough to replace a laboratory flow calibration, but could be used as a field diagnostic tool. The accuracy of the results and the scatter in the data were correlated to the distance between the injection points.

PR-015-20606-R01 Practical Effects of Rough-Walled Pipe in Gas Metering Applications
Author(s): Terry Grimley
The influence of upstream pipe roughness on the performance of multipath ultrasonic flow meters was examined through a set of experiments involving three different brands of ultrasonic flow meters. Tests were conducted with 16-inch meters with piping, having a wide variation in surface roughness values with and without a flow conditioner. These results, when combined with the earlier testing of 8-inch diameter meters, can be used to support changes in the practices currently recommended by industry standards.

PR-179-19601-R02 Evaluation of Online Analyzers for Measurement of Multiple Gas Contaminants - Member Only
Author(s): Tim Vaughn,Khalid Zineddin,Daniel Olsen
Operating companies currently use several analyzers per location to monitor gas streams throughout their operations. By replacing multiple analyzers with a single analyzer capable of measuring multiple contaminants, both capital and operations and maintenance expenditures can be reduced. This work evaluates the measurement ranges, accuracy, and reliability of several commercially available online analyzers. Both contaminant (CO2, O2, H2S, and H2O) and non-contaminant (CH4, C2H6, etc.) species were measured within gas blends typical of the natural gas transportation industry. This report version includes participating vendor information and is only intended for members.

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