L51986 Natural Gas Sample Collection and Handling Phase II Simulated Field Conditions
Author(s): Kelner, Britton III, Sparks
Phase II was originally planned as a series of field tests to confirm the results of the sampling methods performance tests conducted during Phase I. However, the API Chapter 14.1 Gas Sampling Research Working Group chose to have the tests conducted at a newly developed wet gas test facility located at the Colorado Engineering Experiment Station (CEESI), in Nunn, Colorado. Three general tests were conducted. Test Plan I was intended to investigate the effects of sample point location on on-line gas chromatograph (GC) analyses and on spot sampling methods. Test Plan II was intended to investigate the effects of sample point location on on-line GC analyses and to compare several spot sampling methods when sampling from the same point. Test Plan III was intended to investigate the effects of coupling configurations and cylinder temperature on two specific methods: Helium Pop, and purging - Fill/Empty.
L51987 Turbine Meter Research in Support of the Planned AGA Report No 7 Revision
Author(s): George
The objective of this project was to provide independent turbine meter performance data to support the planned revision of the AGA turbine meter standard, AGA Report No. 7. Specific objectives were to test new high-capacity turbine meter designs, to confirm the performance of the installation configurations referenced in AGA-7, and to evaluate the effect of changes in line pressure on meter calibration.