
Below are the list of disclaimers for the Measurement Library. There is no vetting process for documents that are added to the Library. While incorrect document references will be corrected if identified, there will not be any attempts to address errors or inaccurate information within the documents themselves.

CEESI Disclaimer

The information contained on the Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc. website is provided for informational purposes only. Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc., its licensors, suppliers and contributors disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose, for any information contained on this website, whether or not such information originated with Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc., or was contributed to the website by others.

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The documents and bibliographic references supplied by the Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) to the Measurement Library are provided for informational purposes only. PRCI, its licensors, suppliers and contributors disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose, for any information contained on in this library, whether or not such information originated with documents supplied by PRCI, or was contributed by others.

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The information contained within the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement proceedings is provided for informational purposes only. International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement, its licensors, suppliers and contributors disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose, for any information contained on in the proceedings, whether or not such information originated with International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement proceedings, or was contributed by others. ISHM was previously called the "Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course" before the organization changed its name in the 1970's.

ASGMT Disclaimer

The information contained within the American School of Gas Measurement Technologies proceedings is provided for informational purposes only. American School of Gas Measurement Technologies, its licensors, suppliers and contributors disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose, for any information contained on in the proceedings, whether or not such information originated with American School of Gas Measurement Technologies proceedings, or was contributed by others.

NEL/FMI Disclaimer

The information contained within the proceedings provided by NEL and FMI (Flow Measurement Institute), including NSFMW (North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop) and SEAHFMW (South East Asia Hydrocarbon Flow Measurement Workshop), are provided for informational purposes only. These organizations, their licensors, suppliers and contributors disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose, for any information contained on in their proceedings, whether or not such information originated with NEL or FMI event proceedings, or was contributed by others.

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